Re-Instate is a charity working to improve employment opportunities, quality of life and well-being for disadvantaged people in the London Borough of Bexley including people experiencing mental ill-health, people with learning disabilities, autistic adults and young people.
A key part of the vision for Re-Instate is the provision of employment services that build sustainable recovery for people experiencing mental ill-health.
Diversity and equality are at the heart of what we do, ensuring that everyone involved with Re-Instate focuses on the removal of barriers to the service regardless of race, age, gender, sexuality, religion or socioeconomic status.
Our Employment Service is based at Re-Instate’s Employment Centre and supports people experiencing mental ill-health to access and retain paid work, education, training, work placements and volunteering opportunities. Working in partnership with Mind in Bexley and Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust we are commissioned by The London Borough of Bexley and Bexley Clinical Commissioning Group to deliver an innovative range of supported employment services. We have a large network of local and national employers who support Re-Instate.
Since September 2018, Re-Instate have run an Early Intervention Service to compliment the Employment Service. The Early Intervention Service supports residents of the London borough of Bexley experiencing mental ill-health and focuses on creative interventions at the earliest stage. Support is provided for those at work or searching for paid employment. We can also help you access education, training, and volunteering opportunities. This project is supported by The National Lottery Community Fund.
This has been supported by The National Lottery Community Fund since July 2021. The project has evolved to support employers wanting to implement best practices to look after their employee’s well-being. In addition, we continue to work on a one-to-one basis with clients in need of employment advice and help.
If you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed or anxious about a work situation or searching for employment, please contact us on
Living well is a project run by Re-Instate that supports adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults to be able to play a full role in their local community. Our program ‘Six ways to Living Well’, which is based on the New Economics Foundation’s Six Ways to Well-being – Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning, Give and Take Care Of The Planet, will support people to achieve their life goals and can be met by the comprehensive range of activities, groups and classes.
This project is supported by a grant from City Bridge Trust, the funding arm of the City of London Corporation’s charity Bridge House Estates (1035628).
For further information of how to get involved in Living Well contact Simon or Zoe on 01322 438 155.
Wednesday is our autism-friendly day where our workshops are all focused on the members needs, which means we make the space a little quieter and calmer.
Spectrum is our discussion group where we have a topic each week and use that to fuel the discussion. The topics can be anything, but we tend to focus on more philosophical and life questions.
There are lots of ways to support Re-Instate. Click here to find out more.
We are delighted to announce that following the success of 215 smiles, Active Thames has awarded us a new grant to continue and enhance our walking groups to include an arts project that will focus on the change in nature of the river over the course of the year. The project will run during 2025, and we are delighted that working with us will be Three Rivers.
Watch this space for more details!